• Books

Startups & Entrepreneurship

My Books

These books are my way of looking at various aspects of entrepreneurship. I have drawn my perspective from some fundamentals of business and management, self-belief, real-world experiences and failures. It's an attempt to bring you closer to a whole new way of looking at situations & challenges that you may face, with an honest and a broader perspective, something that lived deep inside you but never came to the surface. It's an attempt to bring you closer to… You.

These aren't guides that will transform you overnight. They are certainly not about giving solutions to all the problems you would face during your entrepreneurial journey; the idea is to help you find answers yourself. It is about empowering you to build and deepen your own ideologies.

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News & Publications

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It's been a fulfiling journey so far. And it's humbling to know that some great publications took interest in sharing various aspects of my journey with the world.

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Here's where you can take the first step to connect with me, and I'm sure we can sky-rocket your brand with effective branding & digital marketing strategies. To help me understand your business needs, please fill out the Enquiry Form given below: